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Automate Outlook Configuration for Office 365 Remotely

During a migration project, manually configuring Outlook clients to point to Office 365 can be a painstaking, tedious process. DeploymentPro is a tool BitTitan created that enables you to automate Outlook configuration through remote access from a single web-based interface. Using DeploymentPro requires no technical knowledge, and turns a tedious manual process into a seamless, easy transition in a few simple steps.

Want to learn how it’s done? Click Here or read on!

As a BitTitan customer, you need a robust solution to automatically reconfigure Outlook clients when migrating to Office 365. Having to manually reconfigure each desktop to point to Office 365 Outlook setup is a time-consuming and error-prone process, and BitTitan can help you automate it.

Using DeploymentPro you can:

  • Upload a list of users
  • Send email reminders to download a switch agent
  • Monitor deployment of the agent on each user’s computer
  • Initiate reconfiguration of Outlook profiles to point to Office 365
  • Optionally, allow users to set a password for their new Office 365 mailbox if you know your expired or temporary password


Our first version of the switch agent was built using Qt technology. Even though this technology is designed specifically for cross-platform portability, we encountered several limitations such as some instability on legacy OS platforms, a large download footprint, etc. The current version of DeploymentPro offers the following benefits:

  • Very small download footprint
  • More reliable downloads
  • Improved portability for Windows
  • Robust handling of network errors

Essentially, the workflow consists of the following steps:

  • Send Email Request to Users. Each user receives an email with a private, secure download link. If users do not take action, reminder emails are sent.
  • Let Users Download Agent. The agent is only a few megabytes and does not require administrative permissions to install. Other distribution options (ex: share, group policy, etc.) are also available.
  • Review Agent Installation Status. Each agent reports its status back real-time so you can monitor who has downloaded the agent and whether it is running, and send reminders.
  • Switch to Office 365. You can now ask the agent to reconfigure Outlook and point to the Office 365 mail server. This can be done early during AM hours, allowing Outlook to sync content to its offline mode cache.

Each computer and user environment is unique and offers different challenges. The new version of DeploymentPro has been designed to be compact, compatible with more environments, and more resilient.

Here is the workflow used by DeploymentPro to accomplish your goal – easy reconfiguration of desktops and Microsoft Outlook: DP-blog1230


DeploymentPro is available in the User Migration Bundle license. Get access to mailbox migration, document migration, personal archive migration, and DeploymentPro in a single 12-month license. Purchase the User Migration Bundle license for your upcoming projects today!

Want to learn more about automatic Outlook configuration with DeploymentPro? Click on the link below to watch a short webinar from our on-demand library!

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